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Book Review: Double Deception (Mail Order Brides Book 5) - Annie Boone
Synopsis: Ella Barber finds herself in a difficult situation. She's a survivor, though, and she decides to fight for a better life for...

Book Review: Reclaiming Hope (Mail Order Brides Book 4) - Annie Boone
Synopsis: Eva Rutledge became an orphan at the early age of twelve and ended up in a home for children who had lost their parents. She...

Book Review: Secrets and Trust (Mail Order Brides Book 3) - Annie Boone
Synopsis: Annabelle has reached the end of her rope with the predictability and sadness in her life. She knows that the grief she and her...

Book Review: Don't Fence Him In (Mail Order Brides Book 2) - Annie Boone
Synopsis: Viola is expected to marry someone she doesn't love. Of course he'll provide for her and be a decent husband there's no doubt...

Book Review: Not What He Expected (Mail Order Brides Book 1) - Annie Boone
Synopsis: Lucy has missed out on the love and romance she craves and she's decided to take matters into her own hands. If love won't find...

Book Review: Power of Love (Book B!tches 1) - Anne Conley
Synopsis: Welcome to Mystic, Texas, where the past stays alive in more ways than one. Vanessa Power, a budding Indie Romance author,...

Blog Tour: Learning To Breathe
★✩★ NOW AVAILABLE ★✩★ Blurb: Like the ocean, life is a beautiful force. One that can tear you limb from limb or lavish you in perfect...
Cover Reveal: Second Chances Series
#JenniferLAllen #Andrew #AndrewHess #SecondChancesSeries #ChangeofHeart #RightPlaceRightTime
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