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Interview with Author Anne Conley

Good morning All!

Today we are very lucky to be interviewing Anne Conley, author of the Four Winds series, as well as the Pierce Securities series, and the Stories of Serendipity.

Between the Coverz: Hi Anne, thank you for agreeing to this interview. Tell us a little about yourself and your background?

Anne: I’ve been an Indie Author for four years, having written 23 books in that time. I’m a mom of two mostly awesome kiddoes, and have been married for sixteen years. I grew up in Houston, but got the heck out as soon as I could, and now live in rural east Texas. I’ve had a multitude of jobs before I figured out what I’m passionate about, including telemarketing, sales, and teaching.

Between the Coverz: What were you like at school?

Anne: I was the weird kid. LOL. Seriously.

Between the Coverz: What are your ambitions for your writing career?

Anne: I don’t really have ambitions. I just want to be able to pay the bills with what I enjoy doing. I’ve never had that before, so in that regard, I’m already living my dream. I’m relatively simple like that. As long as there are some people out there who enjoy reading the stories I like to tell, I’m good.

Between the Coverz: Which writer(s)s inspire you?

Anne: Liliana Hart and HM Ward are amazing as far as the business side of things go. I’m forever following in their footsteps as they are highly successful authors in this industry. They are amazing women with successful writing careers who manage to balance their family and personal struggles with grace and generosity.

Between the Coverz: What are you working on at the minute?

Anne: At the moment, for my own sanity, I’m taking a small break from the Pierce Securities series to write stand-alone, firefighter romance. It’s fluffy and light and requires very little thought on my part. LOL. As soon as it’s finished, I’ll be back to work on Seek, book five in the Pierce Securities series.

Between the Coverz: What’s it about?

Anne: It’s about a woman, Annette, who’s moved to a small mountain town to pursue her art career, and the hunky firefighter whose eye she’s catched.

Between the Coverz: What genre are your books?

Anne: Romance of all sorts. I’ve written Contemporary, Paranormal, and am currently toying with some historicals.

Between the Coverz: What draws you to this genre?

Anne: I like the idea of everyone deserving their happy ending.

Between the Coverz: How much research do you do?

Anne: It totally depends on the book. Most of them, there’s a minimal amount, just because there are only so many romances I can write about work from home moms. But some require more than others.

Between the Coverz: Have you written any other novels in collaboration with other writers?

Anne: Yes, Kristie Haigwood and I are working on our second book in the Moonrising series, Andromeda’s Reign. It’s paranormal, with shifters, vampires, witches, OH MY!

Between the Coverz: Why do you write?

Anne: I write to keep my sanity.

Between the Coverz: What made you decide to sit down and actually start something?

Anne: Frustration, mostly. I was frustrated with my life, and my own inability to make my voice heard, anywhere.

Between the Coverz: Do you write full-time or part-time? Do you have a special time to write or how is your day


Anne: Full-time. My day is structured like this: Wake up, drink coffee and social media (It’s almost like drunk texting, only pre-coffee). Then, when I’ve woken up a little, I’ll work on a draft of something. I take breaks to keep my mind fresh and blood pumping by taking walks, checking facebook, or pacing the house. Around 2:00, I’m done, and putting on my ‘mommy hat’. Going to pick up the kids, get dinner started, etc.

Between the Coverz: Do you aim for a set amount of words/pages per day?

Anne: I write most every day. Something.

Between the Coverz: Do you write on a typewriter, computer, dictate or longhand?

Anne: Computer, unless I’m stuck. Then, I’ll write longhand.

Between the Coverz: Where do your ideas come from?

Anne: Everywhere.

Between the Coverz: Do you work to an outline or plot or do you prefer just see where an idea takes you?

Anne: I have to outline. I’m one of THOSE people.

Between the Coverz: What advice would you give to aspiring writers?

Anne: KEEP WRITING!!! Don’t listen to people who tell you you’re not good enough, smart enough, or whatever. Just do it.

Thank you very much Anne for taking the time out of your busy schedule to take part in this interview.


Discover more about Anne Conley and her books at the following:

Website: Blog: Facebook: Twitter: @anneconley10 Pinterest: Amazon: Goodreads:



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