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Book Review: First Encounter (Adele Series) by EroticStorm

About the Author

If you would like to be informed of coming releases you can if you wish to join the mailing list on my website at: - Erotic Storm's Authors Webpage: To begin with, let's introduce you to Erotic Storm. He's someone who writes very sensual, detailed and descriptive erotica. It's the type of erotica that will pull the reader into the story. It will make the reader feel that they are reading a personal story between the reader and the writer. Erotic Storm makes no apologies about his style of writing. He writes in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person as well as both male and female P.O.V. In the past he wrote to a smaller reading public when he was posting his stories on free sites. Although he no longer posts on these locations, that was where he came to understand the power of well-written words. He crafted his skill and soon come to realize the extraordinary effect that his words had on the minds and bodies of his readers. Erotic Storm turned to writing much larger stories and because of the restrictive nature of these sites, he proceeded toward self-publishing his works. Take the leap and find out what it's all about by reading any of Erotic Storm's novels from his ever growing library and visiting his author page on Facebook, Amazon or his Website. For your convenience, on his website in his blog section he's posted the first few chapters of each book. All his books are erotica in its truest form. E = Emotion. R = Rapacious. O = Overwhelmed. T = Tantalizing. I = Intense. C = Carnal. A = Anguish. Any other book written in the erotica genre that doesn't have these facets is no more than pretend erotica. Author can be contacted at: Erotic Storm's Facebook Authors Page Erotic Storm's Amazon Authors Page Erotic Storm Twitter Authors Page. Erotic Storm Goodread Authors Page. Chris Mcgarry's review Apr 24, 15 Goodread 4 of 5 stars Read in April, 2015 Simply put, while Licentious Rapture isn't for everybody's tastes, fans of the erotica and new erotica genres will enjoy the novel from beginning to end. The author's highly descriptive style of writing exudes wild, fiery hot sexual passion. The scenes themselves were impeccably written and draw readers in. N.G. Venaglia appears to have a strong grasp of the new erotica genre including intimacy and sexuality.

First Encounter (Adele Series) First Encounter is book one in a series called, ‘Adele’. The whole story is about two people, both looking for what seems to be missing in their lives. Both powerful in their public lives, one struggles with the need to give up everything and not feel weak and frail, the other looks for his missing half. This first book describes their meeting, the subsequent banter for dominance and their first sexual encounter. Adele is an independent and high-powered lawyer, and James is a charismatic and up and coming architect. However, James is a lifestyle Master. He’s not had a pet for quite some time as he’s very particular as to who his partners will be. He’s at a very boring charity banquet and is about to leave when he spots Adele. At first sight, there’s an instant attraction on his behalf towards her. However, Adele is more reserved, being some nine years older and much more cautious. Still, from that point on, his goal is to have her submit to him and become his pet. James is well connected and can open almost any door in the city of Boston or further adrift if the need arises

Review: 3 out of 5 ***

I had a difficult time with this book, and not because of the nature of the subject matter. The basic premise of this book had me very intrigued and had purchased it in part because of this.


The book is very short which was great. I finished half the book on an hour long train ride, and the other half on the next train ride. The author also had a very articulate way of describing everything through the narration, and gave an in depth insight into the characters.


I absolutely hated the way the author had the characters speak to each other. There was no back and forth exchange of dialogue. I could not stand how one part of the chapter had it from James's perspective, he would speak(or ask a question), give more narration, speak again, only to switch character perspectives before Adele responds. When she did, it was something that took place moments later, or gives an answer internally instead of speaking to James. Had there been a witty banter or actually have the characters speaking to each other and not at the person, this book would have been almost a 5star book.

I say almost a 5 star book because of the word repetition. As articulate as the author was throughout the story, he continuously uses the phrases "my sex, his sex, or her sex" whenever he described their characters' body parts or arousal. And it wasn't just occasionally placed or spread throughout the story, it was done so much that it felt like every other line during a sex scene contained one of those phrases.

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