Book Review: The Dragon Slayer by D.L. Colon

About the Author
Hello Readers. My name isn't really D.L. Colon, but it is a play off of my real name. I have live in Puerto Rico my whole life. I started writing my first novel in 2013. For me writing was a learning experience because my first language is Spanish and even though I speak English pretty fluently, grammar is not my strong suit. It may surprise you, but until Few years ago I hated reading. I found my love for reading, and my inspiration to write, when I read The Summoner by Gail Z. Martin. I have a Culinary Arts degree, which I'm planning on using now that I moved to the US. On an interesting note, I got the idea for my first book, The Lost City: Drake's Revenge, from playing video games. I'm a gamer at heart, a writer by chance and a chef because it's something I love. I'm currently writing my second novel, which is the second book in The Lost City series. I hope you all enjoy my first novel and continue on with the series when the rest are released.

The Dragon Slayer: The Dragon Empire Book 1 Glaycol Masters comes from a family of Hunters in the continent of Istagar. Glaycol knows everything there is to know about every mystical creature and how to kill them, except for the Dragons. No one has been ever been able to kill them. Glaycol still has to take his final test to become a Hunter worthy of bearing the name Masters, His weapon of preference; a great sword. For his final test Bonca, Glaycol’s father, sent him to hunt the Chimera of the Valley of the Blood and bring each of their heads back. Glaycol has now killed the Chimera and is returning the Forest of Darkness, where he lives with his family on top of a mountain that oversees the city. When he arrives his family is waiting for him, even his older brothers, who are also hunters, are there to celebrate the graduation of their brother. Once he presents the heads of the Chimera to his father, each of his family members gives him his gift. As they start they all give him a piece of armor until he has a full set of black armor. It is called, The Berserker. Their celebration is cut short when the leader of the Dragons, Hyglarur, attacks them by surprise; killing everyone except for Glaycol. His new armor absorbed the fire, but he didn’t came out unscratched. He lost his right eye. Glaycol, now driven by revenge and his family’s creed: Kill them all, has to find clues to where Hyglarur’s brother, Rotwar, is hiding. When he finds him Glaycol attacks, leaving him wounded and with a message for Hyglarur; Hyglarur, I am coming for you and your Dragon Empire. I now know that Dragons can be killed. Glaycol Masters was once known as the Berserker, but a new name has been given to him. The continent will forever know him as The Dragon Slayer.
Review Rated 4 out of 5 ****
I must say, I am not usually one for reading Fantasy, but I did enjoy this book. I loved seeing Glaycol's adventures as he seeks to destroy the Dragon Empire. I won't get into too much about the book, because I don't want to give anything away. But this book was pretty cool. The other characters seemed to add more to the story than I would have originally thought.