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Book Review: Pure Fantasy - M Eror


Lana is convinced that she lives in perfect harmony with her own carefully devised plan. And everything in her life seems to go as she intends it. A new city. A new job. New acquaintances. And most importantly: life without a man! One autumn afternoon a dark-haired man enters her small shop. His arrogant demeanor and provoking character are more than irritating. She is perfectly aware that her reactions to Mr. Arrogant undermine her most important rule. Never mind! She’ll never see him again. Will he disrupt her plan?

My Rating: ★★★★

My Thoughts:

Overall, I thought the story was enjoyable. The plot was different and had some unique twist to it. Some I could figure out quite easy while others it took me a little longer. I felt that the plot and twists were not executed well and had many holes throughout. In my opinion the story did not flow consistently. There were parts of the story that were slow and drawn out while other parts of the story were fast and seemed too short. The timeline to the story appeared to be a little jumpy throughout. The writing style was different and sometimes I felt that there were scenes thrown in that had nothing to add to the story.

The characters were likeable in their own way. Lana went through some bad times which caused her to want to live her life without a man. She did very well for herself in keeping with that until David walked into her store. There was instant connection between the two in which the author did very well in achieving and maintaining the connection throughout the whole book. She seemed to have fallen under David’s “spell” a little too quickly, in my opinion, for someone that was determined to live without a man. Lana was strong and determined yet at times you could see she was like any other normal person; there is an emotional weak side in her too. She tries to be strong all the time yet she lets her emotions also guide her.

David was a romantic at heart although he could appear to be overbearing which was his way of being over protective. My first impression of David was that he was a typical rude arrogant rich guy. However, when you see how protective he is of Lana and that he wants to keep her from harm (realizing that she had a bad past), you end up liking him. Not to say at times you don’t want to smack him for being ridiculous and at the same time want to hug him for his caring and sweet romantic side.

At the end of the book you find out more about Lana’s past which leads to some of the mystery of what happened to make her swear off men. I would have liked to know a little more about the men and not so much on the step-dad portion of her past though. At the end, I was wondering what happened to Lana’s mom. Did the step dad live or die? If he died why didn’t Lana and her mom reconnect somehow? (Maybe they did and I just missed it through the story.)

I think that the author has great potential. I will be reading more from this author.


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