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Book Review: The Lone Stranger (Mail Order Brides of Hickory Stick Book 5) - Patricia PacJac Carroll
Synopsis: Prudence, desperate to protect her troubled young son, risks everything to go west. After all, it's not easy for an...

Book Review: Joansy Jones (Mail Order Brides of Hickory Stick Book 4) - Patricia PacJac Carroll
Synopsis: Joansy Jones stared at her father. The man was just plain mean. With a sigh, she glanced at the soddy hut they called home and...

Book Review: Sarah My Beloved (Mail Order Brides of Hickory Stick Book 3) - Patricia PacJac Carroll
Synopsis: Sarah Graham wakes, clutches her nauseous stomach, and wonders why she should be the one left … left alone. She is always the...

Book Review: Julia’s Romance (Mail Order Brides of Hickory Stick Book 2) - Patricia PacJac Carroll
Synopsis: Julia Brooks tries to console timid Sarah Graham after the infamous Thomas J Connors marries Caroline. To get the fearful...

Book Review: Caroline's Love (Mail Order Brides of Hickory Stick Book 1) - Patricia PacJac Carro
Synopsis: Caroline Lovelace stared at her callused hands. Once, they'd been soft and covered in white gloves. The War of Northern...

Book Review: A Penny Shines (Cutter's Creek, Book 5) - Kari Trumbo
Synopsis: Penny Hanover had everything a girl in 1892 could want; a good job, a handsome man, and a ring as a promise. A normal night at...

Book Review: A Lily Blooms (Cutter's Creek, Book 4) - Kari Trumbo
Synopsis: Lillian never dreamed that James Cahill could be hers. Not after her outburst in the middle of his wedding. Her futile attempt...

Book Review: New Beginnings (Cutter's Creek, Book 3) - Annie Boone
Synopsis: Audrey Norris is worried but determined. Her life has taken a drastic turn. A short year ago, she was a happily married woman...

Book Review: The Strong One (Cutter's Creek, Book 2) - Vivi Holt
Synopsis: Sarah Songan is a woman on the run. In an attempt to find peace with their neighbors, the Apsáalooke chief has promised her...

Book Review: That Healing Touch (Cutter's Creek, Book 1) - Kit Morgan
Synopsis: Jack Carlson spied for the union army for four, long years and what did he get for his trouble? Blindness. Battered by the war...
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